This is the third year in a row that Lego has released an exclusive product under its Star Wars line at the San Diego Comic-Con (SDCC). Participants at SDCC 2010 had to enter a raffle and picked for the right to purchase this Clone Wars edition of Cube Dudes for US$75 each. My own set is numbered #0302 out of approximately 2000 sets available and was purchased off a seller on eBay.
The set of 5 Star Wars Cube Dudes came packaged in a cube cardstock box and were designed by Angus Maclane. The set consists of 5 figures from the Star Wars franchise, namely C-3PO, R2-D2, Yoda, Captain Rex and Obi-wan Kenobi. They are characterised by relatively large boxy heads stuck on top of tiny bodies for a cartoony feel.
Angus Maclane has been creating hundreds of Cube Dude characters from a range of popular culture, TV, movie and toy franchises. You can check out his other designs on his
Flickr stream. Lego took notice of his efforts and began collaborating with him. By day, he is an animator at Pixar, whose movie credits include the award-winning "Wall-E".
On the whole, these are cute little darlings that are easy to put together and would be a good addition to any collection. I spent barely an hour putting the five figures together. They also display well if you have more than a few of them. I certainly look forward to further Cube Dude releases in future.

Box (front)

Box (back)

Box (top)

Box (underside)

Serial numbered #0302

Contains 416 pieces. Unfortunately, I was missing a 1x2 white plate brick.

2 of 5 bags containing C-3PO (l) and R2-D2 (r)

2 of 5 bags containing Obi-wan Kenobi (l) and Yoda (r)

1 of 5 bags containing Captain Rex. There was also a supplemental bag with 2x 1x1 smooth square plates which they must have included after realising an error in the number of pieces required.

Instruction booklet (front and rear covers). Note the glossy figure silhouettes.

Instruction booklet (interior)

Obi-wan Kenobi

Captain Rex (my favourite figure from this set)



R2-D2 (I had to steal one non-essential piece from him to build Obi-wan's hand)

The Laurel and Hardy duo from Star Wars

Full line-up

Mini-figure included for scale comparison (As you can see, they're really quite tiny...except for the head)